Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our journey over the past three months.

Where does one even begin blogging about what has gone on when there is SO much that has? I suppose this post will be once again a "catch up" post, lets hope Ill finally figure out how to blog more then once every 3 months.

First matter that needs some attention is... IM A STAY AT HOME MOMMY now. Yup you read that right. After 4 years at my job, they announced they are exiting the industry they were in, therefore I lost my job. They took pretty good care of us, offering a bonus, severance and pleanty of resources to "prepair" ourselves for the future. Im in the middle of my 3 week of unemployment and I LOVE IT. I love getting my kids out of bed, or dropping Jade off at school or just playing with my babies. Not to mention Im able to keep up on my house work

Jade turned 6 on November 9th... S-I-X...  I cant even believe its been six years. yikes time flies!! I remember eating my Olive Garden Chicken Alfredo before going to the hospital to get induced. I remember labor like it was 3 hours ago, I remember how she used to look like a garden gnome. I remember her first steps walking at my dads house when we lived with him.... and many more memories i have of her being little. Im so excited to see the woman she will be when she is older. She is absolutely beautiful and really does have a very kind heart. I know she will go places in life.

My sister Billy Jade and Paisley went to Shellis work party to see santa. Pais hated him!!