Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Just wondering when the hell I will master the art of blogging. You know, where I blog a few times a week, so I dont have to try and catch up like the past 5 of my post have been.

Regardless, my life feels like I'm in the middle of a tornado and where I'm going to land is unknown at this time, I sure hope its at least on my feet.

A quick recap of the past 5 months. Pictures are vague, as my memory card was damaged and I lost ALL of my pictures. I'm so sad!

The second weekend of June Chris and I set out on an adventure to Moab, UT. We went down with my best friend Stephanie and her man Dustin. We camped and on Saturday we went rafting. Let me just say... FUN FUN FUN!!!. We had so much fun. I'm so bummed we lost our pictures.

After Moab Chris and I became homeowners  on June 15th. This my friends is one of the most exciting things to happen to us! It is very rewarding to classify myself as a homeowner. Now I'm trying to master the art of housekeeping. So far... I'm failing. I'm sure with due time I will have a routine set out so I can keep my house up to par daily. The most important thing to me was to get my kids set up in an environment where they were comfortable. The first thing we did was re paint the girls room. Their room was once two rooms that the previous owner converted to one. We painted the walls teal and painted the closets pink and the trim of the windows pink. For my first home improvement job- I think it turned out fantastic :)

Butterfly clock.

Girls Closet. Took the Doors off and made it an open closet.
Shortly after moving into our new house Jade was playing with her new neighborhood friend and ate it on her bike. No biggie you say... Wrong. My poor baby hit her face and suffered a concussion. Needless to say that was one of the most scary things to date I have had to deal with regarding my kids.
Her fat lip
She couldn't move away from the toilet.Then got sick of standing or knealing by it.
This is how she was most comfortable.
After a long day, she is passed out waiting to be admitted to the hospital

Paisley turned one this year. AMAZING how fast time flies. (She will get her own post for birthday excitement)

Eating cake

Jade started kindergarten this year I CAN NOT BELIEVE my baby is in school. Its so fun to have her come home and share the things she has learned. She is learning sight words and can read about 15 to 20 words. AMAZING how quick she is learning things. I'm still trying to figure out being on the opposite side of homework. I'm now the one bitching to get it done, instead of the one being bitched at. *sorry mom for all the crap I pulled with you, I GET IT NOW!*

Jade on her first day of Kindergarten

Jade and her bestie Saranda

Jade lining up for school.

September 8th 2011 I becamee an auntie (again) to one of the cutestet little guys ever. Bentley is his name! He is a doll. I'm so grateful I get to be a part of his life!

I have learned that my company is exiting the medical business, which in turn causes me to lose my job.
I have created a count down chain to add color to my cubie and give me something to look forward to. Im going to take this time to enroll in school and go back to school to be a nurse. (wish me luck)

Chris and I celebrated our one year anniversary on Sept 10th. Man everyone says that the first year of marriage is the hardest, if this is the case things are looking promising for Chris and I. I feel like the first year of marriage was cake. Chris and I communicate openly (sometimes too much) I think because of this we have such a strong relationship. I love my husband with everything I have and am so grateful to be his wife!

Our trip to the fair 2011
Nothing but a great time.
Now we are caught up, we will stay caught up :)