Monday, May 30, 2011

My new love. Charli Rose

Born May 28h at 3:26 PM.
Weighing in at 8 lbs. 6 oz. 21 1/2 inches.

Charli holds a special spot in my heart... why? Because she is my first niece. From the time I have laid eyes on her my heart melted.

She has the most amazing hair color. Its not blond. Not brown. Its like brown with blond highlights.  She is perfect !!

 Welcome to this crazy world Charli. You came into a family that will shower you with love your whole life!!

Charli and Uncle Chris

Im so in love with her hair

Seriously if this baby doesn't make you baby hungry.... I dont know what will. (Thank God my birth control is for 5 years :)     )

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mothers curse.

Its TRULY true what you do to your parents come back ten folds. Jayden the other day was not allowed to play with friends. Why? Because she was sick . As a mom my biggest pet peeve is when people bring their ill kids around my kids and get them sick. Out of respect for other mommies I chose to keep my kids away from other people while they recupe. With that being said... Yesterday I was taking an early evening siesta when I heard Chris and Jade having a little feud.

Me: (completely out of it as I'm just waking up): whats going on?
Chris: Jade popped her screen out of her window... ::: pause:: and she snuck her friends in the window.

What the hell. SHE IS FIVE!!! I have my hands full. 10 years from now Im up shit creek. Everyone pray for me :)


Chris and I found out earlier this week our loan was approved for our house!!! I can not wait to move in! We are about two weeks from closing and moving in. Words can not express how excited I am for this. Its weird for me to think about the fact we will be home owners. It makes me feel truly grown up.

The Front of Our Home
Our Deck

Our kitchen that will obviously need matching appliances 

Master Bathroom.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What we have been up to

Once again I find myself catching up on the past MONTHS I have not blogged. Even worse is I think  " I need to Blog this" frequently. Hopefully I can figure how to incorporate blogging into my schedule. Seems as if I need to give up a little Facebook time and start WRITING. :)

Chris and I attended a costume party for my aunt's 50th birthday. We rocked our costume. I experienced my first sewing experience. with out anyone who knew what was going on- around to help. After a few temper tantrums the pants were complete :)

Jade sledding
We bought a zoo membership and took our first trip with a friend from work. Jade had a blast.
Jade on the Train

Lovin it!

Jade dressed her self. She wore the shirt because there are crocodiles at the zoo. 

Paisley on the train

My sweet baby and her first trip to the zoo
Successful day at the zoo.

Chris and I are also in the works to buy a new home. CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR US. We need our own home. We currently live with  Chris' mom and she is quite patient with us our time has come and we need to be on our own.  Home buying is the most STRESSFUL thing I have EVER done. We are currently in between an accepted offer and getting our loan settled. Its a perfect home for my family. I cant wait it get our keys and get in and start settling :)

I have also become a soccer mom and I LOVE it! It is great for Jade she is so athletic! We have completed spring soccer and are going to sign up for summer soccer. 
We have the coolest parents on our team - I swear some how we ended up on the rich team. Thank god the rich parents are not snoody! I met one mom that even though it hasnt happened yet I'm convinced we will be friends for a long time :)

Best team picture EVER.

Pais is the best cheerleader !

Jade is so funny with the things she says. We were a Khols and Jade saw these "animal skins" hanging on the hangers. 
This is the camel skin vest/ the black one in the back is gorilla skin according to Jade

Paisley turned 10 months this month. What the hell - time flies. She currently has 8 teeth. Crawls like shes been doing it for 10 months. Climbs up stairs with out falling backwards. She says "hi" and holds her hands out. She is the sweetest soul and is loved by everyone in our family. 

Paisleys first Easter