Friday, February 18, 2011

Thank you Uncle Sam for "saving" my money

First let me start off with.... I love taxes. Why? I love paying out of my ass all year to get a decent return. I feel like I take more then I need to out - and know how to live with out it. In turn - when our return came this year I was VERY exciting :)

So before the check for our return had even reached our mailbox I had already mentally spent it. 

Im going to buy new shoes, work out clothes, Paisley a car seat and pay off bills.

So today and yesterday is the day we put our return to use (and then banked the majority of it)

I always believe taxes are for the parents to reward themselves for a year of hard work well done.  Once we were at the store my thought process changed.

Our journey began yesterday. Paisley's little legs have out grown her infant car seat. I fell in love with this car seat one time while at a store- and mentally spent my tax returns on it. Paisley digs it. 

We got Paisley a fun toy to play with while in the car... here is where buying things for yourself turns into buying things for kids.

I though if Paisley is getting new things... Jade needs something too.

7 Barbie Princess'

Cool right? Jade and Paisley get a new toy... So then... I think its not fair for Jade to get a toy more expensive then Paisley... So she got another toy.

The balls pop up and go down the spiral.

Today we had a few more errands to run so I told Jade if you take a nap you can get ONE Barbie (you cant give all 7 at a time or she wont think they are as cool)

Our lunch at Crown Burger

Elmo in a booster


Paisley :)


...and me 

Jade refused to take a nap. She was NOT tired. 

A view from the top

a view from looking through the headrest.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"I need to blog about this"

So every now and then I find myself thinking "When I get home - Im going to blog about this" ... and then... it just never happens.

So I no particular order the things I have meant to blog about are about to be put in writing... Enjoy.


Chris and I have a lot a friends but few we hang out with. Why? We have two young kids and no baby sitter on call. SO that leaves us to hang out with friends that have kids.... We spend most of our time at my cousin's house. Jenny and I grew up together and we are BEST BUDS/ Sisters/ friends for ever/ TIGHT...
Naturally our kids are buds - which works well.

Anyway this isnt a post about how close we are but more how I adore her son. He is super sweet. A few examples.

- We were over there one night and I put Paisley to sleep in the guest room- which is across the hall from Evans room. I asked the kids to be quiet and he goes " Do I need to turn this down?" I had no clue what he was talking about until I saw the DS in his hands. (So that means it was not loud).  

-The second time was when we were over there and he kept asking if Jade could play his DS. (she was grounded for throwing the DS on the table during a melt down) . He kept saying "its oaky it dont mind if she plays" "can Jayden please play it". 

- One time he was looking at Paisley and said " I really like your baby, she is so cute"

I just adore him.

Jade and Ev are buds.

:: End of a legacy... ::

2*10*2011 Coach Sloan resigned ?!?! Are you serious???  I love that crazy old man. The night before they played the Bulls, we had talked about going to the game but never got tickets.  We wanted to go because we were playing the guys who used to be on our team - had I know it was Mr Sloan's last game I FOR SURE would have been there. I cried during the press conference. Some people are glad saying he needed to go. I agree with Karl " They brought back the old skool floor, they brought back the old skool jerseys now we need old skool players." Im not saying completely old school but some that respect their coach even if they "know" more then the coach.
Jerry will be missed. I liked him!

 I do think Ty will be good for us. He will bring some new zest to our team. I am already liking him up off the bench and moving.  It will be exciting to see where we are in a few years... GO JAZZ.

::Valentines day::

Im not a big valentines day fan. Its just an excuse to spend money. I would rather my husband come home and surprise me with a box of chocolates and roses then on a day i "expect " it. With that being said I bought my husband a car wash at Platinum car wash ( it includes a was, wipe down and tire clean). On Friday we decided why not - and we went to a Jazz game. We had killer seats and had a great time. I love spending time with my husband. I adore him.

We love our FLIP

Right before Paisley was born we were given a "Flip" camera to record our most favorite memories. Enjoy...

We went to Boise to visit some very special friends of ours. We were playing Kinect. Chris conquered a level and this was the dance he though of on the spot. The Kinect records it and then stores it in the Kinect. When the video plays back to us it is not Chris' body- it is Chris' sweet moves in the body of a T-rex .

During our stay we got to listen to Rochelle and her Papa sing. I wish she could sing me lullabies every night.

I love watching her try and grab her bubbles. <3

Splish Splash

So Paisley is still bathing in the wonderful bath that aunt Stephanie gave her (Utah Steph). It works out well its still a "baby" tub but has a spot that helps her sit up. I must first start by saying I LOVE LOVE LOVE this tub. I could rest it in the groves of the kitchen sink stand and bathe Paisley.... Now I cant. Paisley is a SPLASHER. Gets water EVERYWHERE. So we have upgraded the "baby tub" to the big tub so she can still sit in it. Well her loving big sister thought it was soo cool she was in the big tub and wanted to join the fun...

I love my kids :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome February

January wasnt super exciting for us Taylors. Just spend the month cooped  up in the house looking for things to do.

Jade has enjoyed her Doll house & Little Pet Shops

Paisley is getting big.

And we have visited the dentist. 
She took her boots off so she didnt get the dentist chair dirty.
Good news - we are cavity free :)
And... My work badge has been updated to reflect my name change.

Ive become much more healthy (not a health guru by any means) and am on the way to not being a cow.